Lime Essential Oil, Single
Lime essential oil uplifts the senses with its lively, refreshing, citrus aroma. When taken internally, it contains antioxidants and may provide general wellness support.*
15 ml bottle
Has a bright, sharp, green, citrus aroma
Adds a fruity, tropical aroma to bath and body care products
Uplifts the senses, neutralizes unwanted odors, and purifies the air when diffused
Is a great addition to household cleaning solutions
May provide general wellness support when taken internally*
Contains antioxidants*
Diffuse Lime with Vanilla and Bergamot for a bright, tropical home aroma.
Add a few drops to your favorite body lotion or massage oil and enjoy its zesty aroma and skin-cleansing benefits.
Add Lime to home cleaning solutions or mix it with alcohol-free witch hazel to make a fabric-refreshing spray.
Add 1–2 drops of Lime Vitality to your sparkling water or NingXia Red® for a crisp and refreshing beverage.
Add a few drops of Lime Vitality to your favorite sauces or marinades to add a burst of fresh lime flavor.